Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Democratic Socialists of the world unite!

President of the AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, the Communist Party USA and other openly communist and socialist groups, joined the George Soros funded Tides Foundation project, "One Nation Working Together” coalition, staging the One Nation Working Together Rally on October 2, 2010, in Washington, D.C.
Here are just a few of the 400 endorsing organizations, that form Obama's support base, that assisted with the One Nation Working Together Rally:
Code Pink
(Hamas guaranteed so-called anti-war group Code Pink’s safety when the group led an international delegation of anti-Israel leftists for the ‘Gaza Freedom March’)
Gray Panthers
(Supports the unconstitutional taxpayer funding, for stem cell research)
Color of Change
(Connected to STORM's activist founder Van Jones - Obama's former Green Jobs Czar, [Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement], a Marxist influenced, communist revolutionary organization.)
Campus Progress
(Intent on promulgating the global warming scam, lowering every Americans standard of living by forcing energy rates to skyrocket in the U.S.)
Tides Foundation
(George Soros' Open Society Institute, gave the Tides Foundation $4.2 million in 2008. Tides also funds The Apollo Alliance, which helped write Obama's $787 billion "stimulus" scam and Media Matters, the web-based Democratic Party front group that Hillary Clinton helped start)
Peace and Freedom Party
(Supports social ownership and democratic management of industry and natural resources, and an open borders policy, designed to destroy the sovereignty of our county)
National Council of La Raza
(Essentially moving our southern border a little bit farther north, La Raza supports the instant citizenship of over 12 million illegal aliens)
Progressive Democrats of America
(Supports a single-payer Socialist health care system, that would eliminate private insurance companies, destroying private sector jobs)
Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
As of October 2009, Service Employees International Union, (SEIU), now former President, Andy Stern, was a favorite at the White House, being documented for no less than 22 visits—the top number on the logs, at the time.
Stern told The Las Vegas Sun:
“We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama – $60.7 million to be exact – and we’re proud of it.”
Andy Stern is an old 60's SDS radical.
The Students for a Democratic Society
Founded in Chicago in 1962, and often coordinating activities with the Black Panthers, the SDS had one goal - destroy the fabric of America and dismantle the Constitution. Radical protests were commonplace as they envisioned a Marxist Revolution, but [at the time] the United States Government was opposed to their hatred for capitalism. With their dreams for the overthrow of our republic, the SDS had a devastating impact after they transformed into the Weather Underground claiming responsibility for a dozen bombings at colleges and federal buildings, between 1970 and 1974, including the bombing of the Pentagon on May 19, 1972.
Leading members of the Weather Underground:
Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn
In 11 years, Bill Ayers participated in more than 30 bombings.
In 2001, Bill Ayers penned an article for the New York Times op-ed page:
"I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough."
Andy Stern is a Leninist. The two communist unions, aside from the teachers unions would be the SEIU and ASME, which is the municipal employees.
It was Andy Stern that said:
"What we're working toward is building a global organization. Because workers of the world unite? It's not just a slogan any more; it's a way we are going to have to do our work. There are opportunities in America to share better in the wealth – to rebalance the power when unions and government are part of the solution."
Sound familiar? It was Karl Marx that said:
"Working Men of All Countries, Unite!"
It was the philosophy of Karl Marx that saw life as a never ending struggle between classes requiring violent revolutionary tactics, resulting in a working class dictatorship, that would abolish the class system altogether. His destructive ideas formed the foundation of communism as we know it today.
Public sector employee unions are nothing more than a money laundering mechanism for corrupt politicians. The "progressive" in office negotiates with the public unions and adheres to their demands of higher wages, elaborate retirement plans, extended benefits, etc. In turn, the unions will finance their campaign for the next election. This then becomes a never ending cycle at the expense of the taxpayer.
1. Taxpayer dollars go to public sector union employees
2. Unions then in turn acquire millions of dollars in the form of union dues from members
3. Unions then finance campaigns of the latest political hack that will do their bidding
Public sector unions are parasites on the taxpayer.
When Obama was conning the public into supporting the $787 billion stimulus scheme at the start of his presidency, he and Vice President Joe Biden repeatedly touted the "investments" would go to "shovel-ready" projects, that would immediately put people to work.
After two years and countless times of Obama reneging on his word, it may come as no surprise just last October, with unemployment approaching 10 percent, the President of the United States acknowledged that, despite his campaign promises;
"there's no such thing as shovel-ready projects."
Then what was the purpose of the $787 billion "stimulus" Mr. President?
Rush Limbaugh reported:
"Wisconsin got $701 million in the stimulus, it's just a little under 10%, and $600 million of that $700 million went to the unions, public sector unions. The whole purpose of the stimulus bill was during a recession to make sure that public sector unions were not laid off by giving states money to keep them on the payroll."
Since Barack Hussein Obama didn't even meet with some of his Cabinet members for the first 2 years of office, what kind of strategies do you think he was forming with his communist buddies? The fact that the President's favorite Socialist thug, Richard Trumka, has daily contact with the White House, and visits two to three times every week, means that the unions got what they paid for when they elected Obama. Would it be pro-liberty policies they're discussing behind closed doors, adhering to the principles of the Constitution and our Founding Fathers, or could it be advancing the cause of an anti-American global union?
How have the last two years been going?
"Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem."
- -Ronald Reagan